Peace upon you...
Peace Is Love. Everyone can be a lover of peace ... and everyone can make friends through justice & peace
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The brain is an organ through which mind plays. The nerves are mind-made highways and byways over which mind runs to exerices itself. Muscles and bone are simply beaten tracs where mind has long played. the brain is a condenser of mind into thought; just as the window pane on a cold morning is a condenser of vapor into steam. As the steam grows heavier on the cold window it trickles downward in the strems of water which channel the pane. As mind condenses into thought on brain area it trickles away through nerve channels-away to its work of making abd unmaking according to its quality every cell and atom in the human body-away and away through nerve channels and capillaries, and on and on to cleanse or contaminate, to raise or lower the temperature of our own personal atmosphere-and still on, to be felt by other lives whose development happens to be akin to ours. By Elizabeth Towne "Practical Methods For Self-Development" |
To Promote Conditions For Sustainable Peace.
What The Members of NIEP Belive Are:
Environmental Wisdom,Social Justice, Meritocracy, Respect For Equality of All Races, Peaceful Biopolitics, Cultural Events For Making Peace

Governance of NIEP: We are unique in the world in that we have all individuals from all cultures and races for promoting of the environmental peace. The dirctors of NIEP, professor Roger Hansell and professor Biswajit (Bob) Ganguly are counting themselves the integral parts of all individuals around the globe. The most important issue for them is to make a difference. |
NIEP volunteers and supporters around the world demonstrate that all individuals from every races and from every country can work together and most importantly they can perform all constructive initiatives as peacekeepers even when some governments or some corporations are against their activities or they fear the environmental peace activities can endanger their huge profits. NIEP has one goal and that is the achiving of the environmental peace. Therefore, every concerned individual around the world can be as a volunteer and can help NIEP in a variety of ways. The effectiveness of NIEP's volunteers depends directly on the support that we can get from non-profit organizations, peacelovers, environmentalists. Most importantly, it dependes on how deeply people in different layers of a society are educated and also whether or not they have relaistic concerns about the deterioration of the environment and promotion of wars. |
NIEP sees that the peace is in our hands; everyone can make a difference, everyone can promote peaceful protests to injustices, wars and occupations. NIEP as a non-profit organization promotes that the same category of people, who invent wars, occupation, atrocities and causing injustices to people, are capable of inventing of the environmental peace, even if it falls them very hard . |

In the Name of Love & Justice
The Members of NIEP are the global human rights activists
The NOBLE INSTITUTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PEACE (NIEP)is composed of professionals who will use their academic and life skills to further the understanding of environmental processes and the relationship between human behavior and the environment.
Peace Life Environment | By: A. Diba, PhD ![]() Realization of the peace based on justice after post-Marco Polo's era (September 15, 1254, 1324), is an oft repeated cry. What is realization of the peace based on justice? New-Thought-ers are continually crying out for "exporting of the special democracy of the western countries" and "realization of the eurocentrism history" without understanding the nature of peace and justice, and without having any intention to respect the endogenous cultures and values of other nations. Sometimes, many people bacause of controlling of all levels of life by giant corporations, have difficulties to know what the western countries would like to realize in other countries? I believe to accomplish peace in this world, we require definiteness of our purpose for making peace through justice. A man cannot throw brick and mortar aimlessly and make a house. In today's world, neither we can lie to people and say that the western countries of the post-marco polo, now, in the twenth-first century, sling " new thought" in a new way based on justice and democracy and create "realization of house pf peace". Many peace activists believe that,it is possible that, the western countries use brick and mortar and thought according to specifications for the erection of their intenetional interests and exploitational purposes in other countries than making a real house of peace based on justice. Peacelovers and environmentalists admire all tangible efforts and works for making the environmental peace though justice. But they now that the peace, justice, visions are intanglible and dreams as long as the huge profits of the giant corporations remain real and tangible. I believe that despite the corporate culture's domination in the western countries, the dream to the peace based on justice, does not mean that it remains intangible and like other dreams, is not substantial. On the contrary, visions, dreams, ideals, are the only substance there is. Sun means under; stance, to stand; substance is that which stands under, as the foundation. Dream for the environmental peace based on justice, ideals, visions are the solid foundations upon which rest the whole tangible universe and all experience. "Such stuff as the dream for the environmental peace based on justice is made of," indeed! The dream for the environmental peace is a wonderful stuff, which supports all worlds and peoples, and even time itself. Dream for the environmental peace is a stuff, which is the only substance-the only foundation. But what good is a foundation without a superstructure? Realization of the house of peace, which is the building on the solid rock of the ideals for the environmental peace through justice- the beautiful, only-substance, dream-stuff Ideal. NIEP as a non-profit organization for the environmental peace, sees every human being has his or her own partucular uniqueness and specifications for working on the issue of the environmental peace. The environmental peace based on justice is just as the Great General Plan; it reflects the Universal Ideal for prosperity and life itself. The specifications and uniquness of all people, who are participate for making the environmental peace, are their Ideals. The peoples' business in life (and if they get interested in it, it will be their pleasure in life) is to make real and visible their own individual Ideals for peace, environment, and life itself. NIEP views that there is a wide difference between the realization of the environmental peace as a neutral and inactive person and his or her Ideal as a committed person for making the environmental peace based on justice, just as there is wide difference betwenn the a automobile industry manager's relaization of dysfunctional cars and his Ideal specifications. NIEP says to all people, who want to be volunteers for making the environmental peace based on justice that, please recognize your Ideal for the environment peace based on justice, the power of anti-peace and ani-justice forces and your ability to reamin committed and your abilities to work it out-to real-ize it. NIEP says to all peacelovers and environmentalists that, believe in your ability to workd it all out in due time. Believe for making the environmental peace through justice, is not your faith, it is the root of your faith for supporting of life on the earth. To believe on the environmental peace based on justice is to affirm and ACT as if you had a faith. To believe on the environmental peace is to "assume a virtue if you have it not." NIEP advocates for thoughts and acts for making the environmental peace. NIEP says that thoughts and acts for all peacelovers and environmentalists are the material with which they build realization of the environmental peace in this world. NIEP is advocating for shaping of thoughts for what is supposed to be realized, not against realizing what peacelovers and environmentalists desire; if we do not shape our thoughts for the environmental peace, then we are not approaching for buidling of the environmental peace. NIEP says, every act of volunteers are affirmation add to realization of the environmental peace. Every denial substracts from realizations. In other words, every denial of the world's Ideal and peoples' abilities for making the environmental peace through justice and to reach it, fixes these deniers of the peace and healthy environment in their present state of realization with pollution, global warming, injustice, poverty and wars. NIEP says to people, affirm your powers. Affirm your ideals. Work for your goals. To affirm is literally to "make firm." See that your thoughts are not shaped to make firm what you want to outgrow on the issue of the environmental peace based on justice. Whatch your thoughts for making a healthy environment, making peace, to end povery, to establish justice, and be against wars, then put them into your Ideal building. ![]() NIEP advocates for keeping at these beutiful ideas that you peace and justice lovers have made for the environmental peace. In a year from now you peacelovers and environmentalists can look back and by comparison see how much faith and will and steadniness of purpose you have gained. All that is buildt into your realization of the house of the environmental peace in this globe. You volunteers and responsible people have accomplished great things.Go on. In due time you peacelovers, justice lovers, and lifelovers, you will find yourself in your dream of peace and justice-your Ideals for making the environmental peace based on justice realized. NIEP asks, what all of us in NIEP or other peace and environmental organizations, as the peace & environmental activists, want to realize? Love to all peaople with all races and all religions and beauty of our environment? So, we must affirm what we wish. Never mind emotions. |

Professor Biswajit (“Bob”) Ganguly is a great thinker, philosopher and a humanitarian who has created the concept of “Environmental Peace” with his colleague, Professor Roger Hansell.
Professor Ganguly has Doctoral and Postdoctoral degrees in Applied Science and Engineering. He is an inventor with creative engineering talents covering a wide range of environmentally friendly projects. As an international expert in this field, he has visited and lectured widely around the world in many Universities including University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and Imperial College (University of London).
Professor Ganguly was brought up in a family of consulting engineers in Calcutta, India, and furthered his education and training in Europe and North America.
He has professional fellowships and memberships in various academic and engineering branches. At the University of Toronto, he is a Director of International Innovation Projects (IIP) and founder and well as Editor of the Journal of Environmental Peace. He is a Research Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Colombia.
Professor Ganguly also founded the Noble Institution for Environmental Peace (NIEP) with Professor Hansell to carry out and support education and research in environment, sustainable development, and peace processes throughout the world.
Professor Ganguly has extensive experience in organizing and directing public and professional meetings with the International Innovation Projects. He is also a professional-level magician, artist and singer who delights in entertaining and teaching. He currently lives in Toronto.
Professor Bob Ganguly

Professor Roger I. C. Hansell has been involved in environmental projects since the 1950s. He is jointly a professor in the Institute for Environmental Studies and the Department of Zoology at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Professor Hansell is a director of International Innovation Projects and co-editor of the scholarly Journal of Environmental Peace. He has been Associate Director, Research, and Acting Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies, and served six years as Director of the Graduate Program of Toxicology. In 2002 he became Executive Director of the Noble Institution for Environmental Peace, and along with Professor Biswajit Ganguly, is a founder of the Noble Foundation for Environmental Peace in Calcutta, India.
Professor Hansell’s research extends from the problems of integrating ecology with economics, the theory of stability in complex systems, and practical measures to adapt cities for climate change with rooftop and vertical wall gardens.
Professor Hansell has served as visiting professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium; University of Leicester, and University of Sussex, U.K., and has lectured at Cambridge and Oxford Universities.
He is an avid Morris folk dancer and musician, sketches, and writes Haiku. He currently lives in Toronto.

Professor Roger Hansell

Peace and EcologyParty (PEP)
Words of Peace
Peace Poetry in English and Japanese